Stylianos Kapetanakis
Orthopaedic and Spine Surgeon MD,FRCS,PhD
Priv. Consultant Spine Surgeon
Ass. Professor Medical School of Democritus
University of Thrace

Acquisition of the Doctor of Medicine title entitled: “Joints and Surrounding
Soft Molecules Effective Morphology. Electronic Microscope Analysis” in Democritus
University of Thrace, Medical School, with grade 10/10 “Excellency”
1999 – 2005
Democritus University of Thrace (
Faculty of Medical School
- 1st in the University admission test
- Grade: 9/10
- Graduated second (2nd) in 2005, June (6 years of studies)
- Grade: 8,21/10 “Very Good”
- Academic performance scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 1 year of studies.
- Academic performance Scholarship from the Vardinoggianio Foundation for 1 year of studies.
- Academic performance scholarship in the Post-Graduate Degree from the Foundation of the Cretan Centre for 5 years of studies
1995 – 1999
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science
- Basketball expertise
- Graduated in1999, June (4 years of studies)
- Grade: 8,05/10 “Very Good”
- Academic performance scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 3 years of studies.
- Performance awards from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 2 years of studies.
- Graduated 2nd from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science.
Director of the Orthopedic Clinic at the Inter-Balkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki
- The Clinic is attended by 7 curators with distinct subjects
- The Clinic treats about 10,000 patients a year, while the surgeries reach about 1,000 a year
Full Member of the Scientific Council of the Inter-Balkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki and Head of the Orthopedic Services of I.D.TH.
- Director of Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Spine Surgery, Athens Medical Maroussi
- Elected as Assistant Professor in Medical School of Alexandroupolis, Democritus University of Thrace.
- Director of South East Endoscopic Spinal Center in European Interbalkan Medical Hospital in Thessaloniki.
- Head of Spinal Clinic and Deformities in European Interbalkan Medical Center in Thessaloniki
- Assumed duties as Lecturer in Department of Anatomy in Medicine School of Alexandroupolis.
- Spinal Fellowship in two difference Spinal Units in London, Guy’s and St.Thomas Hospital & London Bridge Hospital in London. Performed more than 800 spine procedures focused on mainly MISS, lumbar and cervical degenerative diseases.
- Senior Researcher in Spinal Deformities Kings College London
- Elected as Academic Lecturer in the Department of Anatomy in Medical School of Alexandroupolis, Democritus University of Thrace.
2009 – 2011
- Full salaried resident in Orthopaedic Department of General Hospital of Athens Amalia Fleming and in Children Orthopaedic of General Hospital «Aglaia Kyriakou» in Athens.
- Full salaried resident in Neurosurgery Department of Neurosurgery of K.A.T. Athens participating mostly in spine procedures.
- Full salaried resident in Children Orthopaedic of General Hospital «Aglaia Kyriakou», Department of Spinal Deformities in Athens.
2007 – 2009
- Specializing doctor in orthopaedic with a salaried position in Agios Nikolaos General Hospital (Crete) Orthopedic Dpt from May of 2007. Participated in 604 orthopedic surgical operations 232 as first surgeon and 372 as first assistant).
- Specializing doctor in orthopaedic with a salaried position in the Department of Spine Surgery in University Hospital of Heraklion from August of 2008 till February of 2009. Participated in spine surgeries (kyphoplasty, Spine tumors, fusions)
- Specialized doctor in orthopaedic, in the centre of St. Anna Hospital, Unfall Chirurgie und Orthopadie of Germany during the period January – May 2007.
- Worked in the Cretan Naval Hospital specializing in Clinical Surgery. Operated 250 surgical operations, from which in 105 operations I was first assistant and in the other 145 operations I was first surgeon. At the same time I covered the position of specializing orthopedist in the Cretan Naval Hospital, participating in orthopedic surgery operations.
- Member of the Descriptive Anatomy Laboratory in D.U.Th of Professor Thespi Demetriou, in the capacity of assisted.
Scholarship (10.000 Euros) for the best research protocol entitled “Correlation of
biochemical mediators in serum and synovial fluid with clinical and imaging findings in patients
with knee osteoarthritis” Greek Orthopaedic και Traumatology Association
Scholarship from ISAKOS (World Association of Knee Surgery Arthroscopy)
1999 – 2005
Democritus University of Thrace Medical School
- Academic performance scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 1 year of studies.
- Academic performance Scholarship from the Vardinoggianio Foundation for 1 year of studies.
- Academic performance scholarship in the Post-Graduate Degree from the Foundation of the Cretan Centre for 5 years of studies
1995 – 1999
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.)
Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science
- Academic performance scholarship from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 3 years of studies.
- Performance awards from the Greek State Scholarship’s Foundation (I.K.Y) for 2 years of studies.
In 2021 I was named one of the top five most prominent doctors at the World Congress in Dubai on surgical techniques that help improve spinal disorders and pathologies
In 2019 I was awarded at the Eurospine in Dublin as the best new user of endoscopic spine technique in Europe.
In 2018 and for two years I was one of the main agents of the German Joimax with the main technique the Endoscopic removal of intervertebral disc herniation and decompression of the lateral stenosis of the Spine.
- Lumbar disc replacement (Prodisc L)
- Vertebroplasty – St George’s Hospital
- Cervical disc replacement surgery (Prodisc C)
- Kyphoplasty – Leiden (Kyphon)
- Endoscopic Transforaminal Lumbar Discectomy – ATOS KLINIK (MUNICH)
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Thomaidis T, Georgoudis M. The endoscopic aspect of foraminal anatomy and dorsal root ganglion in percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy. Clin Case Rep. 2020 Sep 18;8(12):3616-3618.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N. Anatomy of lumbar facet joint: a comprehensive review. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2020 Oct 21. Epub ahead of print.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Gkasdaris G, Charitoudis G. Treatment of adjacent segment disease with percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic discectomy: Early experience and results. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2020 Sep-Dec;28(3):2309499020960560.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Georgoudis M, Dimitrakas K, Gkantsinikoudis N. Severe kyphoscoliosis in a 17-year-old patient with T11-T12 hemivertebra: X-ray imaging of the abnormal anatomy of the thoracolumbar spine. Clin Case Rep. 2020 May 19;8(8):1584-1585.
- Piagkou M, Kapetanakis S, Tsakotos G, Samolis A, Anastasopoulos N, Natsis K. A Rare Case of Posterior Tibial Artery Hypoplasia and Fibular Artery Enlargement and their Impact on the Arterial Supply of Posterior Crural Region. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2019 Sep 30;61(3):467-471.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Thomaidis T, Theodosiadis P. The role of full-endoscopic lumbar discectomy in patients with neurodegenerative disorders: Technical note and short literature review. Surg Neurol Int. 2020 Feb 14;11:23.
- Laliotis N, Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Konstantinidis P, Karoutsou R, Chourmouzi D, Giannakopoulou L. Salter-Harris type II fracture of the distal femur in a newborn: Acute anatomic imaging alterations after labor dystocia. Clin Case Rep. 2019 May 16;7(7):1450-1451. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.2149. PMID: 31360510; PMCID: PMC6637346.
- Natsis K, Piagkou M, Totlis T, Kapetanakis S. A prefix brachial plexus with two trunks and one anterior cord. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2020;79(2):402-406.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Charitoudis G. The Role of Full-Endoscopic Lumbar Discectomy in Surgical Treatment of Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Health-Related Quality of Life Approach. Neurospine. 2019 Mar;16(1):96-104.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Thomaidis T, Charitoudis G, Theodosiadis P. The Role of Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Surgery in Lateral Recess Stenosis in Elderly Patients. Asian Spine J. 2019 Mar 26;13(4):638-647.
- Angoules AG, Angoules NA, Georgoudis M, Kapetanakis S. Update on diagnosis and management of cuboid fractures. World J Orthop. 2019 Feb 18;10(2):71-80.
- Gkasdaris G, Hourmouzi D, Chaniotakis C, Haritoudis G, Ashrafi MM, Mouselimis D, Kapetanakis S. CT Assessment of the in vivo Osseous Lumbar Intervertebral Foramen: a Radiologic Study with Clinical Applications. Maedica (Bucur). 2018 Dec;13(4):294-304.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Papathanasiou JV, Charitoudis G, Thomaidis T. Percutaneous endoscopic ventral facetectomy: An innovative substitute of open decompression surgery for lateral recess stenosis surgical treatment? J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2018 Jul-Sep;9(3):188-195.
- Katranitsa L, Gkantsinikoudis N, Kapetanakis S, Charitoudis G, Christodoulou A, Givissis P. Perioperative Blood Management in Posterior Instrumented Fusion for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Original Study and Short Review of the Literature. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2018 Jun 1;60(2):200-207.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Thomaidis T, Charitoudis G, Kazakos K. Comparison of Quality of Life Between Men and Women Who Underwent Transforaminal Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation. Int J Spine Surg. 2018 Aug 31;12(4):475-482.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Daneva E, Givissis P, Papathanasiou J, Xanthos T. Mechanoreceptors of the Achilles tendon: a histomorphological study in pigs with clinical significance for humans. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2018 Apr 16;7(4):558-563.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Chaniotakis C, Charitoudis G, Givissis P. Percutaneous Transforaminal Endoscopic Discectomy for the Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation in Obese Patients: Health-Related Quality of Life Assessment in a 2-Year Follow-Up. World Neurosurg. 2018 May;113:e638-e649.
- Kapetanakis S, Chourmouzi D, Papadopoulou E, Oikonomou D, Gkantsinikoudis N. Clinical presentation and imaging of a rare case of Tarsal Tuberculosis. Clin Case Rep. 2018 Jan 17;6(2):450-451.
- Kapetanakis S, Chourmouzi D, Gkasdaris G, Katsaridis V, Eleftheriadis E, Givissis P. A rare case of spinal cord compression due to cervical spine metastases from paraganglioma of the jugular foramen-how should it be treated? J Surg Case Rep. 2018 Feb 3;2018(2):rjy005.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Thomaidis T, Charitoudis G, Nastoulis E, Givissis P. Postoperative Evaluation of Health-Related Quality-of-Life (HRQoL) of Patients With Lumbar Degenerative Spondylolisthesis After Instrumented Posterolateral Fusion (PLF): A prospective Study With a 2-Year Follow-Up. Open Orthop J. 2017 Dec 11;11:1423-1431.
- Kapetanakis S, Chaniotakis C, Kazakos C, Papathanasiou JV. Cauda Equina Syndrome Due to Lumbar Disc Herniation: a Review of Literature. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2017 Dec 20;59(4):377-386.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Angoules AG, Givissis P. Transforaminal Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy using Transforaminal Endoscopic Spine System technique: Pitfalls that a beginner should avoid. World J Orthop. 2017 Dec 18;8(12):874-880.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkantsinikoudis N, Dermon A, Kommata V, Papathanasiou J, Soukakos P, Dermon C. Normal microscopic architecture of acetabular labrum of hip joint: a qualitative original study with clinical aspects. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2017 Sep 18;7(2):279-285.
- Kapetanakis S, Chourmouzi D, Gkasdaris G, Katsaridis V, Eleftheriadis E, Givissis P. Functional extra-adrenal paraganglioma of the retroperitoneum giving thoracolumbar spine metastases after a five-year disease-free follow-up: a rare malignant condition with challenging management. Pan Afr Med J. 2017 Sep 29;28:94.
- 25. Kapetanakis S, Chourmouzi D, Terzoudi A, Georgiou N, Giovannopoulou E. Hirayama disease: diagnostic essentials in neuroimaging. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Oct 30;5(12):2151-2152.
- Kapetanakis S, Thomaidis T, Charitoudis G, Pavlidis P, Theodosiadis P, Gkasdaris G. Single anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) using self- locking stand-alone polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage: evaluation of pain and health-related quality of life. J Spine Surg. 2017 Sep;3(3):312-322.
- Kapetanakis S, Chaniotakis C, Paraskevopoulos C, Pavlidis P. An Unusual Case Report of Bertolotti’s Syndrome: Extraforaminal Stenosis and L5 Unilateral Root Compression (Castellvi Type III an LSTV). J Orthop Case Rep. 2017 May-Jun;7(3):9-12.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Nastoulis E, Stavrev V. Hemivertebra of the cervical spine: an uncommon background for neck pain, cervical scoliosis, and torticollis. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Aug 22;5(10):1718-1719.
- Kapetanakis S, Dermon A, Gkantsinikoudis N, Kommata V, Soukakos P, Dermon CR. Acetabular labrum of hip joint in osteoarthritis: A qualitative original study and short review of the literature. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2017 Sep-Dec;25(3):2309499017734444.
- Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Blontzos N, Kazakos G, Givissis P. Surgical management for lumbar disc herniation in pregnancy. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod. 2017 Dec;46(10):753-759.
- Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Charitoudis G, Kazakos K. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) following transforaminal percutaneous endoscopic discectomy (TPED) for lumbar disc herniation: A prospective cohort study – early results. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017 Nov 6;30(6):1311-1317.
- Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Pavlidis P, Givissis P. Concurrent lumbosacral and sacrococcygeal fusion: a rare aetiology of low back pain and coccygodynia? Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2018;77(2):397-399.
- Gkasdaris G, Chourmouzi D, Karagiannidis A, Kapetanakis S. Spinal cord edema with contrast enhancement mimicking intramedullary tumor in patient with cervical myelopathy: A case report and a brief literature review. Surg Neurol Int. 2017 Jun 13;8:111.
- Sioutas G, Karakasi MV, Kapetanakis S, Pavlidis P. Death due to fracture of thin calvarial bones after a fall: A forensic approach. Chin J Traumatol. 2017 Jun;20(3):180-182.
- Giovannopoulou E, Gkasdaris G, Kapetanakis S, Kontomanolis E. Ankylosing Spondylitis and Pregnancy: A Literature Review. Curr Rheumatol Rev. 2017;13(3):162-169.
- Kapetanakis S, Charitoudis G, Thomaidis T, Theodosiadis P, Papathanasiou J, Giatroudakis K. Health-related quality of life after transforaminal percutaneous endoscopic discectomy: An analysis according to the level of operation. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2017 Jan-Mar;8(1):44-49.
- Gkantsinikoudis N, Chaniotakis C, Gkasdaris G, Georgiou N, Kapetanakis S. Morphological approach of the sternal foramen: an anatomic study and a short review of the literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2017;76(3):484-490.
- Nastoulis E, Karakasi MV, Couvaris CM, Kapetanakis S, Fiska A, Pavlidis P. Greenish-blue gastric content: Literature review and case report on acute copper sulphate poisoning. Forensic Sci Rev. 2017 Jan;29(1):77-91.
- Tsonga T, Michalopoulou M, Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Malliou P, Godolias G, Soucacos P. Risk factors for fear of falling in elderly patients with severe knee osteoarthritis before and one year after total knee arthroplasty. J Orthop Surg (Hong Kong). 2016 Dec;24(3):302-306.
- Tsonga T, Michalopoulou M, Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Malliou P, Godolias G, Soucacos P. Reduction of Falls and Factors Affecting Falls a Year After Total Knee Arthroplasty in Elderly Patients with Severe Knee Osteoarthritis. Open Orthop J. 2016 Nov 9;10:522-531.
- Gkasdaris G, Tripsianis G, Kotopoulos K, Kapetanakis S. Clinical anatomy and significance of the thoracic intervertebral foramen: A cadaveric study and review of the literature. J Craniovertebr Junction Spine. 2016 Oct-Dec;7(4):228-235.
- Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Thomaidis T, Charitoudis G, Pavlidis P, Kazakos K. Transforaminal Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy in Parkinson Disease: Preliminary Results and Short Review of the Literature. Korean J Spine. 2016 Sep;13(3):144-150.
- Stylianos K, Konstantinos G, Pavlos P, Aliki F. Brachial branches of the medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve: A case report with its clinical significance and a short review of the literature. J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2016 Jul-Sep;7(3):443-6.
- Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Charitoudis G, Kazakos K. Transforaminal Percutaneous Endoscopic Discectomy for Lumbar Disc Herniation in Parkinson’s Disease: A Case-Control Study. Asian Spine J. 2016 Aug;10(4):671-7.
- Karakasi MV, Nastoulis E, Kapetanakis S, Vasilikos E, Kyropoulos G, Pavlidis P. Hesitation Wounds and Sharp Force Injuries in Forensic Pathology and Psychiatry: Multidisciplinary Review of the Literature and Study of Two Cases. J Forensic Sci. 2016 Nov;61(6):1515-1523.
- Kotopoulos C, Karakasi MV, Kapetanakis S, Pavlidis P. Can Severe Kyphoscoliosis Lead to Aorta Rupture? Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2016 Sep;37(3):205-7.
- Galanis V, Fiska A, Kapetanakis S, Kazakos K, Demetriou T. Effect of platelet-rich plasma combined with demineralised bone matrix on bone healing in rabbit ulnar defects. Singapore Med J. 2017 Sep;58(9):551-556.
- Sioutas G, Kapetanakis S. Clinical anatomy and clinical significance of the cervical intervertebral foramen: a review. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2016;75(2):143-148.
- Kapetanakis S, Giovannopoulou E, Nastoulis E, Demetriou T. Butterfly vertebra. A case report and a short review of the literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2016;75(1):117-121.
- Tsonga T, Michalopoulou M, Malliou P, Godolias G, Kapetanakis S, Gkasdaris G, Soucacos P. Analyzing the History of Falls in Patients with Severe Knee Osteoarthritis. Clin Orthop Surg. 2015 Dec;7(4):449-56.
- Kapetanakis S, Nastoulis E, Demesticha T, Demetriou T. The Effect of Low Molecular Weight Heparins on Fracture Healing. Open Orthop J. 2015 Jun 26;9:226-36.
- Karatzas T, Charitoudis G, Vasileiadis D, Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I. Surgical treatment for dominant malignant nodules of the isthmus of the thyroid gland: A case control study. Int J Surg. 2015 Jun;18:64-8.
- Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis D, Petousis A, Karatzas T. Epiglottic abscess causing acute airway obstruction in an adult. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2013 Sep;23(9):673-5.
- Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis D, Petousis A, Karatzas T. External auditory canal mass as the first manifestation of a bronchogenic carcinoma: report of a rare case. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2013 Jun;122(6):378-81.
- Karatzas T, Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Karakostas E, Chrousos G, Kouraklis G. Risk factors contributing to the difference in prognosis for papillary versus micropapillary thyroid carcinoma. Am J Surg. 2013 Oct;206(4):586-93.
- Vasileiadis I, Karatzas T, Vasileiadis D, Kapetanakis S, Charitoudis G, Karakostas E, Kouraklis G. Clinical and pathological characteristics of incidental and nonincidental papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in 339 patients. Head Neck. 2014 Apr;36(4):564-70.
- Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I, Petousis A, Fiska A, Stavrianaki A. Plexiform (multinodular) schwannoma of soft palate. Report of a case. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2012 Jul-Sep;54(3):62-4.
- Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Petousis A, Stavrianaki A, Fiska A, Karakostas E. Internal laryngopyocele as a cause of acute airway obstruction: an extremely rare case and review of the literature. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2012 Feb;32(1):58-62.
- Vasileiadis I, Karakostas E, Charitoudis G, Stavrianaki A, Kapetanakis S, Kouraklis G, Karatzas T. Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: clinicopathological characteristics and implications for treatment in 276 patients. Eur J Clin Invest. 2012 Jun;42(6):657-64.
- Stylianos K, Constantinos P, Alexandros T, Aliki F, Nikolaos A, Demetriou M, Petros P. Muscle abnormalities of the chest in Poland’s syndrome: variations and proposal for a classification. Surg Radiol Anat. 2012 Jan;34(1):57-63.
- Tsonga T, Kapetanakis S, Papadopoulos C, Papathanasiou J, Mourgias N, Georgiou N, Fiska A, Kazakos K. Evaluation of improvement in quality of life and physical activity after total knee arthroplasty in greek elderly women. Open Orthop J. 2011;5:343-7.
- Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Petousis A, Karakostas E, Simantirakis C. Rapidly growing chondroid syringoma of the external auditory canal: report of a rare case. Case Rep Med. 2011;2011:589680.
- Dermon A, Kapetanakis S, Fiska A, Alpantaki K, Kazakos K. Ganglionectomy without repairing the bursal defect: long-term results in a series of 124 wrist ganglia. Clin Orthop Surg. 2011 Jun;3(2):152-6.
- Kapetanakis S, Vasileiadis I, Papanas N, Goulimari R, Maltezos E. Can a giant cervical osteophyte cause dysphagia and airway obstruction? A case report. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2011 May;123(9-10):291-3.
- Kapetanakis S, Drygiannakis I, Tzortzinis A, Papanas N, Fiska A. A giant adrenal lipoma presenting in a woman with chronic mild postprandial abdominal pain: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2011 Apr 5;5:136.
- Kapetanakis S, Papathanasiou J, Fiska A, Ververidis A, Dimitriou T, Hristov Z, Paskalev G. A 20-year-old man with large gastric lipoma–imaging, clinical symptoms, pathological findings and surgical treatment. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2010 Oct-Dec;52(4):67-70.
- Galani P, Kapetanakis S, Papadopoulos C, Dimitrakopoulou G, Kosma L, Lafoyianni S, Dimitrakova E, Papathanasiou J, Fiska A. Hypovolemic shock due to giant uterus leiomyoma detachment. Akush Ginekol (Sofiia). 2010;49(5):68-71.
- Kapetanakis S, Papadopoulos C, Galani P, Dimitrakopoulou G, Fiska A. Anomalies of the inferior vena cava: a report of two cases and a short review of the literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2010 Aug;69(3):123-7.
- Vasileiadis I, Kapetanakis S, Fiska A, Vasileiadis D, Dimitriou T. A giant aneurysm of the internal carotid artery, which caused dysphagia: case study and short review of literature. Folia Morphol (Warsz). 2010 Nov;69(4):267-70.
- Kapetanakis S, Papathanasiou J, Dermon A, Dimitrakopoulou A, Ververidis A, Chloropoulou P, Kazakos K. Unusual intramuscular lipoma of deltoid muscle. Folia Med (Plovdiv). 2010 Apr-Jun;52(2):68-71.
- Kapetanakis S, Drygiannakis I, Kazakos K, Papanas N, Kolios G, Kouroumalis E, Verettas DA. Serum TGF-beta2 and TGF-beta3 are increased and positively correlated to pain, functionality, and radiographic staging in osteoarthritis. Orthopedics. 2010 Aug 11;33(8).